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We believe that the entirety of Holy Scriptures are the inspired, God-breathed, inerrant Word of God. We believe that while the world may change, God cannot change and therefore that God’s Word is eternal and unchanging.


We are the Church of the Reformation and gladly confess the faith of our Lutheran forefathers as contained in Luther’s Small Catechism and the rest of the documents in the Book of Concord (1580).


We keep the traditional form of patterned worship ceremonies handed down to us from Christians of old and sing hymns from the last two millennia of Christendom which teach the truth of God’s Word.

Our Church Affiliation

St. Paul’s Evangelical–Lutheran Church (Winside, NE) is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). The History of the LCMS may be found here. The LCMS is a denomination that confesses the historic, orthodox Christian faith, a faith built “on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:20). In terms of our Synod’s polity, we belong to the Wayne Circuit of the Nebraska District. Our sister congregation, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Carroll, NE), also belongs to the Wayne Circuit.